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About this medication.

Image by Moritz Kindler

This medication has been used to anaesthetize patients in surgery since 1970. It is very safe compared to other anaesthetics but is not popular because it causes a dissociative state (disconnecting you from your surroundings). However this side effect has been found since 2000 to be very useful in low dose infusions to treat depression. It works by blocking some signals in the brain and helping other signals to work better.  It can actually allow the brain (and our thinking and feeling) to reshape itself.

It can be very useful in mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. It can also be very useful in chronic pain such as neuropathic and complex regional pain. Research is needed on the mechanisms by which this drug functions and its long-term effects. Further research is needed to determine optimal dosing, modes of administration, and the most effective forms of adjunctive psychotherapeutic support. See more here. 


See our prices for IV infusions Services


​There are various ways to administer it but the most effective is an intravenous infusion of ±40 minutes that is carefully monitored. See frequently asked questions so that you can understand this IV Therapy better.


See a summary of the research on the benefits of this drug pertaining to each medical condition here.


You can even see the detailed list peer-reviewed publications prepared for referring health professionals.

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